Frequently Asked Questions – EN

How much does a share of the cooperative cost?

A share of EnerCoop Uelzechtdall costs 100€. The share cannot be sold or inherited to a third party.

How many shares can I buy?

A member of the cooperative can subscribe several shares but can not hold more than 10% of the total number of shares issued.

How are the participants kept up to date?

A general assembly takes place once a year. We also send newsletters by e-mail to our shareholders. We will also organize information evenings in which we will present the current projects and/or discuss our activities.

Where and how are the projects implemented?

The projects are particularly implemented throughout the Uelzechtdall, i.e. in the municipalities of Walferdange, Steinsel, Lorentzweiler, Lintgen and Mersch. The projects come to fruition by actively approaching potential project partners (e.g. a community or a building owner) or by approaching us for the implementation of a specific project (or idea).

Can interested persons not resident in Uelzechtdall or Luxembourg also become shareholders?

Yes, anyone can buy shares in EnerCoop Uelzechtdall, regardless of their residence.

Can shares bought for a (minor) third persond?

Yes, you can also buy shares in EnerCoop Uelzechtdall as a gift for a third party. However, these persons must then sign a declaration of consent as the shares are in your name. In the case of a purchase for a minor, an authorised representative must sign the declaration of consent.

How are the projects financed?

A profitability analysis is carried out for each project, on the basis of which decisions are made. Typically, the projects are financed by a mixture of capital, private credits of the members and bank credits.

How can I buy shares?

Here ( -> declaration of interest) you find a declaration of interest. Fill out the form and send it back to us, either online, by e-mail or by post (-> contact). After acceptance by the administrative committee, you will receive a letter of confirmation with a request for payment. After payment, we will send you a document that certifies your shares of EnerCoop Uelzechtdall.

Are dividends paid out?

The cooperative does not concentrate on increasing the assets of its members, but rather uses the profits generated primarily for the development of new projects. Therefore, no immediate dividend payment is planned. However, if the overall economic situation allows, disbursements are possible. The decision is taken democratically in the general assembly.

When and how can I leave the cooperative?

Each cooperating member has the right to resign from the company, but only at the end of a fiscal year. He must notify his resignation in writing to the Chairman of the administrative committee before the end of the first six months of the financial year. Withdrawal or partial redemption of cooperative shares is noted in the register, next to the name of the cooperating member concerned and on the cooperative member’s shares. These declarations shall be dated and signed by the cooperative member and by a member of the administrative committee.

How are the shares refunded?

At the time of resignation, expulsion or death, the cooperating member or its successors in title shall only be entitled to reimbursement of the nominal value of its paid-up share, after deduction, where appropriate, of taxes, duties and expenses that may be incurred as a result of the reimbursement. A refund can only be made once the cooperating member’s obligations to the company have been fulfilled or the company has acted as guarantor. A refund is generally subject to a period of twelve (12) months from the date of withdrawal, partial or full refund request or exclusion.