Become member

You can participate in this process at any time or inform yourself about the current status. Even without specialist knowledge, there are many opportunities to get involved in the cooperation.

By buying shares in the cooperative you help us to finance future projects in communities of the Uelzechtdall for a local and sustainable energy supply and you have the opportunity to actively participate in the cooperative with your voting rights.

By becoming a cooperator

  • you help to produce green energy locally
  • you support the fight against climate change
  • you invest in the future and generate environmental, social and financial benefits
  • you start as a responsible citizen on the road to energy independence
  • you contribute to the fight against the monopolization of energy production

Buying shares

Below you find a link to declare your interest for purchasing shares in the cooperative. After acceptance by the administrative committee, you will receive a letter (or email) of confirmation with a request for payment. After payment, we will send you a document that certifies your shares of EnerCoop Uelzechtdall.

-> Fill out your declaration of interest online (here)

-> or download the form

Sie können auch Anteile erwerben, um diese an eine andere Person zu verschenken. Füllen Sie hierfür das folgende Formular aus:

-> Form to donate shares in the cooperative EnerCoop Uelzechtdall (French Version)

-> Form to donate shares in the cooperative EnerCoop Uelzechtdall (German Version)

You can print the forms, fill in and return to us, either by e-mail or by post (-> contact).

Gift vouchers

Here we prepared gift voucher templates you here: